- Owen Jones Twitter Chris Williamson
- Owenjones84
- Owen Jones Twitter
- Marc Owen Jones Twitter
- Owen Jones Twitter Suzanne Moore
A Twitstorm has erupted between Canary Editor Kerry-Anne Mendoza and fellow-leftwinger Guardian columnist Owen Jones, who accused her of belittling the Holocaust with her latest comparison of Brexit to Nazism.
On Wednesday Mendoza mocked Brexiteer PM Boris Johnson, tweeting: “Get Brexit Done. Build, build, build. Jobs, jobs, jobs. Arbeit macht frei.”
- We’re saddened to report that British journalist Owen Jones became the target of Twitter transphobes Sunday (4 April) for simply saying he wants to be a dad. In just five words, Jones, 36, became a.
- JOURNALIST Owen Jones shamed the taxi driver on Twitter he claims shouted 'I f.ing love it when you cyclists die' after nearly colliding with him in central London. The left-wing writer.
- Times columnist Giles Coren has left Twitter after claiming online followers of the Guardian’s Owen Jones turned up at his home and “started haranguing” his wife and children.
The final line in German, “labour makes you free” was a slogan displayed ion many Nazi concentration camps in a cruel mockery of inmates doomed to be worked to death or murdered en masse.
Jones, himself a strident critic of Brexit, responded to Mendoza’s tweet on Friday, calling it “despicable” and adding “Anyone who speaks like this has no place in the left whatsoever.” — Owen Jones 🌹 (@OwenJones84) August 21, 2020. Owen Jones on Twitter - Anyone who says 'I'm the least racist person ever' is almost invariably always a racist.
Jones, himself a strident critic of Brexit, responded to Mendoza’s tweet on Friday, calling it “despicable” and adding “Anyone who speaks like this has no place in the left whatsoever.”
Mendoza hit back, calling Jones a “craven kiss-ass” and telling him to “Take your privilege and do one.”
Owen Jones is a craven, kiss-ass who’s been more curse than support to the left.
Truly sick of his high-handed nonsense.
You’re not my Dad, Owen. Take your privilege and do one.
Celemony melodyne 4 studio crack full rar password. Jones later claimed that “lots of Jewish people” had complained to him about Mendoza’s tweet and asked him to “call it out as a left-wing commentator.” Ni license activator 1 2 archive.
Lots of Jewish people got in touch with me about this tweet, expressed their distress, asked me to call it out as a left-wing commentator, which I gladly did. When minorities on the receiving end of bigotry ask for our support, we should listen to them.
— Owen Jones 🌹 (@OwenJones84) August 21, 2020Mendoza hit back by implying Jones had joined “the witch hunt and their enablers” and there was no fault in warning of “rising fascism in modern Britain.”
— Kerry-Anne Mendoza (@TheMendozaWoman) August 21, 2020
When conservative author and Henry Jackson Society member Douglas Murray waded into the row, Mendoza accused Jones of “uniting with the worst of humanity.”
Hilarious. I’m not taking lectures on antisemitism from you or any of your far-right sycophants.
Well done to Owen Jones for uniting the worst of humanity in self-righteous anger at being called out for what they are. https://t.co/R10Q0P9fcN
And she bemoaned “liberal commentators policing our resistance to fascism.”
The Left doesn't need bullshit liberal commentators policing our resistance to fascism.
They kneecapped us during the assault on anti-Apartheid activists.
They kneecapped us during the assault on Corbynism
And now they're kneecapping us on this.
Enough. No pasaran.
Mendoza previously claimed this January’s celebrations for Britain formally leaving the EU would descend into a repeat of Kristallnacht, the infamous 1938 Nazi pogrom where the windows of Jewish-owned shops, buildings and synagogues smashed across the country.
Many, including Jews lambasted those comments at the time.
Owen Jones, a self-described socialist and columnist for the left-wing British paper The Guardian, apologised on Wednesday after penning an article on racism in British society that featured a picture of the wrong black British rapper. The mixup prompted people on social media to question if black people “all look the same” to Mr Jones.
Early Wednesday morning, The Guardian published an opinion piece from Jones entitled “Tackling Racism on Social Media Is Just the Tip of the Iceberg”.
The article was in reference to the antisemitic outbursts from British Grime rapper Wiley. However, the article mistakenly featured a picture of rapper Kano, another prominent black rapper in the UK.
Writing on social media, the leftist writer said that he was “absolutely horrified to see this terrible photo mistake”, claiming that he “did not choose the photo or sign it off”.
The Guardian backed up Jones’s claim, writing: “We would also like to clarify that Owen Jones was not involved in this error.”
The excuse did little to quell the Twitter storm that ensued from the incident, with many mockingly calling for Jones to be ‘cancelled’ — poking fun at Mr Jones’s frequent denials that cancel culture is a problem on the internet.
Actor and frequent critic of the woke culture propagated by outlets like The Guardian, Laurence Fox wrote: “They are exactly the thing they accuse you of.” He added: “It would be funny if it wasn’t so typically Guardian.”
Comedian and host of the TRIGGERnometry podcast, Konstantin Kisin, joked: “The newspaper that thinks all black people think the same also thinks they all look the same? NO WAY!”
— Calvin Robinson (@calvinrobinson) July 29, 2020
Calvin Robinson, the co-host of Political Dregs Podcast and the Campaign Champion of the DefundTheBBC movement, joined in on poking fun at Owen Jones, posting a photoshopped mock Guardian headline which read “They all look the same and you know it”.
British rapper and fitness expert, Zuby — who was not the rapper featured in the picture — jokingly wondered “why did they use my photo?”, again mocking the subconcious bias critics claimed was present in Guardian photo editors.
Why did they use my photo?
— ZUBY: (@ZubyMusic) July 29, 2020
As the Twitter storm grew around the Guardian columnist, Jones released a Twitter video, apologising to Kano, as well as to “all black people and people of colour”.
In the apology video, Mr Jones repeated the left-wing mantra that “racism is completely embedded in Western Culture”, explaining that the economic and judicial systems are “rigged” against black people.
He went on to say that it was “gutwrenching” for the scandal to detract from the Black Lives Matter movement, which he praised for “forcing” people to discuss issues of race.
The fury caused by The Guardian using a picture of @TheRealKano rather than Wiley to accompany my piece on media racism couldn't be more legitimate.
Owen Jones Twitter Chris Williamson
I'm beyond sorry at the anger and hurt caused: Kano deserves an unreserved apology, as do all black people and people of colour. pic.twitter.com/esyPdjEp0V
— Owen Jones 🌹 (@OwenJones84) July 29, 2020
Writing in December of 2019, Breitbart News’s James Delingpole took aim at Mr Jones, on the annual Twitter ‘holiday’ known as #OwenJonesIsAWankerDay.
Owen Jones Twitter
“Normally, I would deplore such dog-piling. It’s what the left does all the time: naming a blameless individual for having committed some imaginary crime such as using the wrong pronoun or making a joke or being pro-Brexit – and then inviting the Social Justice Warrior hate mob to destroy them,” James Delingpole wrote.
Marc Owen Jones Twitter
“But I wonder if we may need to make an exception in the case of Owen Jones and his ilk, because what they have done to political discourse in Britain over the last few years is dangerous, frightening, and long overdue an almighty backlash,” Delingpole concluded.
Owen Jones Twitter Suzanne Moore
Follow Kurt on Twitter at @KurtZindulka