Terraform Commands Cheat Sheet

  1. Terraform Commands Cheat Sheet Roblox
  2. Terraform Commands Cheat Sheet Pdf
  3. Terraform Command Line
  4. Terraform Output Command
  5. Terraform Commands Cheat Sheet

Terraform commands cheat sheet. Terraform CLI Cheat Sheet, Unless terraform plan, apply, destroy and import will not work. The command terraform init will install: Terraform modules; Eventually a backend » Terraform Commands (CLI) For a hands-on tutorial, try. Terraform commands cheat sheet Terraform CLI Cheat Sheet, Unless terraform plan, apply, destroy and import will not work. The command terraform init will install: Terraform modules; Eventually a backend » Terraform Commands (CLI) For a hands-on tutorial, try the Get Started track on HashiCorp Learn. Terraform CLI Commands – Terraform Cheat Sheet The Command-Line Interface consists of commonly used, advanced, and less common commands. All of these commands and subcommands are used to call different functions within the tool. Let’s cover all possible commands within Terraform under this Terraform cheat sheet. Terraform terraform Help page is called. Terraform init Initia lizes various local settings and data used by subsequent commands. Terraform plan See execution Plan before you apply it. Terraform show Check current status. Terraform destroy Resources can be destroyed using the terraform destroy command, which is similar to terraform apply. The ACG Terraform Commands Cheatsheet Download At A Cloud Guru, we have in-depth courses on Terraform — from deploying to AWS with Terraform to deploying resources to GCP with Terraform and using Terraform to create infrastructure in Azure. But sometimes all you need is a simple, handy reference to get stuff done. We’ve got you covered!


Split columns automatically and auto-align in a tabular format

Format whitespace delimited text as table:

Format colon delimited text as table:

Remove surrounding parenthesis

Remove non-printable characters

  • https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8914435/awk-sed-how-to-remove-parentheses-in-simple-text-file

switch case

Validate variables

You can use -z to test whether a variable is unset or empty:

I’ve used an extended test [[, which means that I don’t need to use quotes around my variables. I’m assuming that you need all three variables to be defined in order to continue. The exit in the if branch means that the else is superfluous.

The standard way to do it in any POSIX-compliant shell would be like this:

The important differences here are that each variable check goes inside a separate test and that double quotes are used around each parameter expansion.

Compare directories

Program detection in shell scripts

POSIX compatible:

For bash specific environments:


Avoid which. Not only is it an external process you’re launching for doing very little (meaning builtins like hash, type or command are way cheaper), you can also rely on the builtins to actually do what you want, while the effects of external commands can easily vary from system to system.

Why care?

  • Many operating systems have a which that doesn’t even set an exit status, meaning the if which foo won’t even work there and will always report that foo exists, even if it doesn’t (note that some POSIX shells appear to do this for hash too).
  • Many operating systems make which do custom and evil stuff like change the output or even hook into the package manager.

So, don’t use which. Instead use one of these:

(Minor side-note: some will suggest 2>&- is the same 2>/dev/null but shorter - this is untrue. 2>&- closes FD 2 which causes an error in the program when it tries to write to stderr, which is very different from successfully writing to it and discarding the output (and dangerous!))

If your hash bang is /bin/sh then you should care about what POSIX says. type and hash’s exit codes aren’t terribly well defined by POSIX, and hash is seen to exit successfully when the command doesn’t exist (haven’t seen this with type yet). command’s exit status is well defined by POSIX, so that one is probably the safest to use.

If your script uses bash though, POSIX rules don’t really matter anymore and both type and hash become perfectly safe to use. In bash type now has a -P to search just the PATH and hash has the side-effect that the command’s location will be hashed (for faster lookup next time you use it), which is usually a good thing since you probably check for its existence in order to actually use it.

As a simple example, here’s a function that runs gdate if it exists, otherwise date:

Note that hash will only look in PATH. If your user’s PATH does not include sbin, hash will not find the binary that lives there. If you want to run bash code with sudo, you need to invoke bash from sudo: if sudo bash -c ‘hash groupadd’; then …

True if file exists and is executable.

test -x filename[ -x filename ]

hash foo 2>/dev/null: works with zsh, bash, dash and ash.

type -p foo: it appears to work with zsh, bash and ash (busybox), but not dash (it interprets -p as an argument).

command -v foo: works with zsh, bash, dash, but not ash (busybox) (-ash: command: not found).

Also note that builtin is not available with ash and dash.

Create backup file

Get ISO date

Remove specific file extension

xargs failsafe

Bash variable tricks

If parameter is unset or null, the expansion of word is substituted. Otherwise, the value of parameter is substituted.

If parameter is unset or null, the expansion of word is assigned to parameter. The value of parameter is then substituted. Positional parameters and special parameters may not be assigned to in this way.

If parameter is null or unset, the expansion of word (or a message to that effect if word is not present) is written to the standard error and the shell, if it is not interactive, exits. Otherwise, the value of parameter is substituted.

If parameter is null or unset, nothing is substituted, otherwise the expansion of word is substituted.

This is referred to as Substring Expansion. It expands to up to length characters of the value of parameter starting at the character specified by offset. If parameter is ‘@’, an indexed array subscripted by ‘@’ or ‘*’, or an associative array name, the results differ as described below. If length is omitted, it expands to the substring of the value of parameter starting at the character specified by offset and extending to the end of the value. length and offset are arithmetic expressions (see Shell Arithmetic).

If offset evaluates to a number less than zero, the value is used as an offset in characters from the end of the value of parameter. If length evaluates to a number less than zero, it is interpreted as an offset in characters from the end of the value of parameter rather than a number of characters, and the expansion is the characters between offset and that result. Note that a negative offset must be separated from the colon by at least one space to avoid being confused with the ‘:-’ expansion.

Here are some examples illustrating substring expansion on parameters and subscripted arrays:

If parameter is ‘@’, the result is length positional parameters beginning at offset. A negative offset is taken relative to one greater than the greatest positional parameter, so an offset of -1 evaluates to the last positional parameter. It is an expansion error if length evaluates to a number less than zero.

Terraform Commands Cheat Sheet

The following examples illustrate substring expansion using positional parameters:

If parameter is an indexed array name subscripted by ‘@’ or ‘*’, the result is the length members of the array beginning with ${parameter[offset]}. A negative offset is taken relative to one greater than the maximum index of the specified array. It is an expansion error if length evaluates to a number less than zero.

These examples show how you can use substring expansion with indexed arrays:


Substring expansion applied to an associative array produces undefined results.

Substring indexing is zero-based unless the positional parameters are used, in which case the indexing starts at 1 by default. If offset is 0, and the positional parameters are used, $@ is prefixed to the list.

Expands to the names of variables whose names begin with prefix, separated by the first character of the IFS special variable. When ‘@’ is used and the expansion appears within double quotes, each variable name expands to a separate word.

If name is an array variable, expands to the list of array indices (keys) assigned in name. If name is not an array, expands to 0 if name is set and null otherwise. When ‘@’ is used and the expansion appears within double quotes, each key expands to a separate word.

The length in characters of the expanded value of parameter is substituted. If parameter is ‘’ or ‘@’, the value substituted is the number of positional parameters. If parameter is an array name subscripted by ‘’ or ‘@’, the value substituted is the number of elements in the array. If parameter is an indexed array name subscripted by a negative number, that number is interpreted as relative to one greater than the maximum index of parameter, so negative indices count back from the end of the array, and an index of -1 references the last element.

The word is expanded to produce a pattern just as in filename expansion (see Filename Expansion). If the pattern matches the beginning of the expanded value of parameter, then the result of the expansion is the expanded value of parameter with the shortest matching pattern (the ‘#’ case) or the longest matching pattern (the ‘##’ case) deleted. If parameter is ‘@’ or ‘’, the pattern removal operation is applied to each positional parameter in turn, and the expansion is the resultant list. If parameter is an array variable subscripted with ‘@’ or ‘’, the pattern removal operation is applied to each member of the array in turn, and the expansion is the resultant list.

The word is expanded to produce a pattern just as in filename expansion. If the pattern matches a trailing portion of the expanded value of parameter, then the result of the expansion is the value of parameter with the shortest matching pattern (the ‘%’ case) or the longest matching pattern (the ‘%%’ case) deleted. If parameter is ‘@’ or ‘’, the pattern removal operation is applied to each positional parameter in turn, and the expansion is the resultant list. If parameter is an array variable subscripted with ‘@’ or ‘’, the pattern removal operation is applied to each member of the array in turn, and the expansion is the resultant list.

The pattern is expanded to produce a pattern just as in filename expansion. Parameter is expanded and the longest match of pattern against its value is replaced with string. If pattern begins with ‘/’, all matches of pattern are replaced with string. Normally only the first match is replaced. If pattern begins with ‘#’, it must match at the beginning of the expanded value of parameter. If pattern begins with ‘%’, it must match at the end of the expanded value of parameter. If string is null, matches of pattern are deleted and the / following pattern may be omitted. If the nocasematch shell option (see the description of shopt in The Shopt Builtin) is enabled, the match is performed without regard to the case of alphabetic characters. If parameter is ‘@’ or ‘’, the substitution operation is applied to each positional parameter in turn, and the expansion is the resultant list. If parameter is an array variable subscripted with ‘@’ or ‘’, the substitution operation is applied to each member of the array in turn, and the expansion is the resultant list.

This expansion modifies the case of alphabetic characters in parameter. The pattern is expanded to produce a pattern just as in filename expansion. Each character in the expanded value of parameter is tested against pattern, and, if it matches the pattern, its case is converted. The pattern should not attempt to match more than one character. The ‘^’ operator converts lowercase letters matching pattern to uppercase; the ‘,’ operator converts matching uppercase letters to lowercase. The ‘^^’ and ‘,’ expansions convert each matched character in the expanded value; the ‘^’ and ‘,’ expansions match and convert only the first character in the expanded value. If pattern is omitted, it is treated like a ‘?’, which matches every character. If parameter is ‘@’ or ‘’, the case modification operation is applied to each positional parameter in turn, and the expansion is the resultant list. If parameter is an array variable subscripted with ‘@’ or ‘’, the case modification operation is applied to each member of the array in turn, and the expansion is the resultant list.

Terraform Commands Cheat Sheet Roblox

The expansion is either a transformation of the value of parameter or information about parameter itself, depending on the value of operator. Each operator is a single letter:

  • Q - The expansion is a string that is the value of parameter quoted in a format that can be reused as input.
  • E - The expansion is a string that is the value of parameter with backslash escape sequences expanded as with the $’…’ quoting mechansim.
  • P - The expansion is a string that is the result of expanding the value of parameter as if it were a prompt string (see Controlling the Prompt).
  • A - The expansion is a string in the form of an assignment statement or declare command that, if evaluated, will recreate parameter with its attributes and value.
  • a - The expansion is a string consisting of flag values representing parameter’s attributes.

If parameter is ‘@’ or ‘’, the operation is applied to each positional parameter in turn, and the expansion is the resultant list. If parameter is an array variable subscripted with ‘@’ or ‘’, the operation is applied to each member of the array in turn, and the expansion is the resultant list.

Curl with certificate and basic authentication


Completely suppress key based authentication / Format for suSSHi:

  • user@@susshi.dc.domain.tld: account with access granted by suSSHi
  • root@ actual target host/user

SMTP CLI clients



If the 7nth field equals “security”, print field 3.

No need to run in terror from Terraform. Close that search engine tab and check out our ultimate Terraform Cheatsheet (courtesy of ACG’s Moosa Khalid) for all the basic commands you need on hand to get the most from this awesome, intuitive IaC tool.

At A Cloud Guru, we have in-depth courses on Terraform — from deploying to AWS with Terraform to deploying resources to GCP with Terraform and using Terraform to create infrastructure in Azure. But sometimes all you need is a simple, handy reference to get stuff done. We’ve got you covered!

Terraform Commands Cheat Sheet Pdf

What is Terraform?

Infrastructure as Code (IaC) is a key part of a balanced cloud breakfast. And when it comes to IaC tools, Terraform is one of the top tools out there. (Which IaC tool is right for you? Check out our guide to IaC on AWS.)

Terraform came onto the scene in 2014 to orchestrate infrastructure as code. It first targeted AWS but has grown to play nicely with a large ecosystem of modules, including Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Microsoft Azure, Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, and Alibaba Cloud. In fact, multi-provider support is one of the main selling points of Terraform.

Terraform introduced its own DSL, called Hashicorp Configuration Language (HCL). On the surface, it feels like a more human-friendly JSON, which is also natively supported within Terraform.

Terraform Command Lines

Terraform CLI tricks

  • terraform -install-autocomplete #Setup tab auto-completion, requires logging back in

Format and Validate Terraform code

  • terraform fmt #format code per HCL canonical standard
  • terraform validate #validate code for syntax
  • terraform validate -backend=false #validate code skip backend validation

Initialize your Terraform working directory

  • terraform init#initialize directory, pull down providers
  • terraform init -get-plugins=false #initialize directory, do not download plugins
  • terraform init -verify-plugins=false #initialize directory, do not verify plugins for Hashicorp signature

Plan, Deploy and Cleanup Infrastructure

Terraform Command Line

  • terraform apply --auto-approve #apply changes without being prompted to enter “yes”
  • terraform destroy --auto-approve #destroy/cleanup deployment without being prompted for “yes”
  • terraform plan -out plan.out #output the deployment plan to plan.out
  • terraform apply plan.out #use the plan.out plan file to deploy infrastructure
  • terraform plan -destroy #outputs a destroy plan
  • terraform apply -target=aws_instance.my_ec2 #only apply/deploy changes to the targeted resource
  • terraform apply -var my_region_variable=us-east-1 #pass a variable via command-line while applying a configuration
  • terraform apply -lock=true #lock the state file so it can’t be modified by any other Terraform apply or modification action(possible only where backend allows locking)
  • terraform apply refresh=false # do not reconcile state file with real-world resources(helpful with large complex deployments for saving deployment time)
  • terraform apply --parallelism=5 #number of simultaneous resource operations
  • terraform refresh #reconcile the state in Terraform state file with real-world resources
  • terraform providers #get information about providers used in current configuration

Terraform Workspaces

  • terraform workspace new mynewworkspace #create a new workspace
  • terraform workspace select default #change to the selected workspace
  • terraform workspace list#list out all workspaces

Terraform State Manipulation

  • terraform state show aws_instance.my_ec2 #show details stored in Terraform state for the resource
  • terraform state pull > terraform.tfstate #download and output terraform state to a file
  • terraform state mv aws_iam_role.my_ssm_role module.custom_module #move a resource tracked via state to different module
  • terraform state replace-provider hashicorp/aws registry.custom.com/aws #replace an existing provider with another
  • terraform state list #list out all the resources tracked via the current state file
  • terraform state rm aws_instance.myinstace #unmanage a resource, delete it from Terraform state file

Terraform Import And Outputs

  • terraform import aws_instance.new_ec2_instance i-abcd1234 #import EC2 instance with id i-abcd1234 into the Terraform resource named “new_ec2_instance” of type “aws_instance”
  • terraform import 'aws_instance.new_ec2_instance[0]' i-abcd1234 #same as above, imports a real-world resource into an instance of Terraform resource
  • terraform output #list all outputs as stated in code
  • terraform output instance_public_ip # list out a specific declared output
  • terraform output -json#list all outputs in JSON format

Terraform Miscelleneous commands

  • terraform version #display Terraform binary version, also warns if version is old
  • terraform get -update=true #download and update modules in the “root” module.

Terraform Console(Test out Terraform interpolations)

  • echo 'join(',',['foo','bar'])' | terraform console #echo an expression into terraform console and see its expected result as output
  • echo '1 + 5' | terraform console #Terraform console also has an interactive CLI just enter “terraform console”
  • echo 'aws_instance.my_ec2.public_ip' | terraform console #display the Public IP against the “my_ec2” Terraform resource as seen in the Terraform state file

Terraform Graph(Dependency Graphing)

  • terraform graph | dot -Tpng > graph.png #produce a PNG diagrams showing relationship and dependencies between Terraform resource in your configuration/code

Terraform Taint/Untaint(mark/unmark resource for recreation -> delete and then recreate)

  • terraform taint aws_instance.my_ec2#taints resource to be recreated on next apply
  • terraform untaint aws_instance.my_ec2 #Remove taint from a resource
  • terraform force-unlock LOCK_ID#forcefully unlock a locked state file, LOCK_ID provided when locking the State file beforehand
Terraform commands cheat sheet fortnite

Terraform Cloud

Terraform Output Command

  • terraform login #obtain and save API token for Terraform cloud
  • terraform logout #Log out of Terraform Cloud, defaults to hostname app.terraform.io

Learn the basics of Terraform

Want to learn more about getting the most out of Terraform? Check out Moosa Khalid’s course Deploying to AWS with Terraform and Ansible.

Terraform Commands Cheat Sheet


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