Link To Another Note In Evernote

How do you organize recipes you find online? From low-fat vegan health blogs to southern comfort food, you can find a recipe for anything. Combine the love of cooking with the potential for a career in cooking and you get a plethora of online food blogs.

Add note links in context to quickly jump to related notes. On rare occasions, I’ll still receive a bill for. In this Evernote Scott video, you will learn how to effectively use the 'Linked Notes' feature in Evernote to help you. I know it's possible to add Link to a different Note within Evernote. Like this or this. However, I want to add Link within the same Note. So that I can click and jump to another part of the same note. This feature is available in Evernote for Mac 2.2 Beta 1, and Evernote for Windos 4.4 Prerelease (and, assumably, in future standard releases). 'Copy Note Link' appears under the Edit menu. It is also available in the right-click menu on notes. This link can be pasted into Evernote or another application.

This makes it easy when you are searching for a new recipe to bring to your favorite holiday party. Hello neighbor alpha 2 download android. Looks delicious? Bookmark it!

Except, how do you find it again on your phone when you are in the grocery store trying to buy ingredients?

Let’s say you are on Pinterest and see a recipe that looks great for the summer and want to save it for later. But who are you kidding? Your Pinterest board (Food!) has thousands of pins. Good luck finding that one again!

The question isn’t ‘where do I find recipes?’. The question is, ‘how do I save and manage all the recipes I find?’.

This article will help you organize recipes using Evernote. At the end of this walkthrough you will be able to:

  • Easily search and find any recipe you’ve saved
  • Edit recipes so they fit your taste or ingredients
  • Add your own photos so you know what the recipe really looks like
  • Create meal plans from your recipes
Disclosure: Guess what? Otters eat over 10 pounds of sashimi a day! To help offset the cost of food (and running this website), we receive a commission if you click on a link and purchase something.

Setting up Evernote

Sync Onenote To Evernote

You will need an Evernote account and the Evernote Web Clipper extension.

Start by setting up two notebooks: Inbox and Recipes.

The first notebook is your Inbox notebook. An Inbox notebook is your dumping ground of notes before being processed. Exactly like a physical or email inbox, actually.

We will use the Inbox notebook as a way to test recipes before adding them to the Recipes notebook. Then you know which recipes you haven’t tried yet.

The second notebook should be your Recipes notebook. This will be where you put all the recipes you’ve tried, liked, and want to use again.

This walkthrough will use Evernote for Desktop, but you can also use Evernote in your browser.

You might also enjoy: How to Organize Evernote Notebooks for Ultimate Productivity

Saving a Recipe

Find a recipe you want to try. If you are using Pinterest, be sure to open the recipe to the webpage where the content lives.

Using your Web Clipper tool, save the recipe to your Inbox notebook.

Select the notebook where you want it to go (Inbox) and select Article. You will see a green outline of the area that will be clipped. By selecting “Article” instead of “Full Screen”, web clipper won’t capture all the banner ads on a site.

The Web Clipper tool has this fantastic feature where you can set it to “Smart Filing”. This means it guesses where the bookmark should live based on the content. You can override this feature in settings, or by manually selecting a notebook.

Now let’s take a look at what ended up in our Inbox.

Cleaning Up Notes

The content in the main body of the article will be in the note. A link back to the original blog post is at the top so you won’t forget where you found the recipe.

At the time of this writing, this link is only seen on the desktop version, not in the web version of Evernote.

Also included in this note are all the photos, the author’s description, and even some in-line ads.

I recommend deleting extraneous photos and resizing text so the note is easier to read.

Now you have a nice and tidy recipe note you can reference in the future.

Using and Editing Recipes

If this note is for “sometime in the future” it may live in your Inbox for a while. But, if you want to try the recipe soon, set a reminder to use the recipe.

Step One:

Step Two:

Now comes the fun part – making the recipe!

Like most recipes, you may find that you need to make alterations. Because Evernote is the ultimate note-taking tool, it is meant for just this purpose.

You can make notes as you cook, or go back later and make suggestions for the next time you make the recipe.

Types of notes to include:

  • Substitutions for ingredients that you use
  • Extra steps to help make a recipe clearer Removing instructions you find misleading or unnecessary for your preferences
  • Instructions on when to serve or what plates you like to serve it on
  • Versions of the recipe (for example, a spicier version for her, or more mild version for him)
  • Notes about cooking this recipe in tandem with another recipe (such as a side dish).
  • In Evernote, you can create a link to another note!

Organize Recipes

Once you’ve tried a recipe, it is time to make a decision.

Do you see yourself making this recipe again? Was the recipe tasty? Could you edit the recipe to make it better?

If you answered “Yes” to any of the above questions, it is time to move it into your Recipes notebook. Super mario 3d land rom download pc.

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At the top of the note, click on the Inbox notebook. From here, you can move this note to another notebook.

You can repeat the above process to organize recipes from all your favorite blogs. Clip, edit, and save to your Recipes notebook.

Creating Meal Plans

Meal planning is easy with your Recipes notebook. It is like having a cookbook with only your favorite, tested, recipes!

Go to your Recipes notebook and create a Meal Planner note. Don’t reinvent the wheel – Office Otter has a Meal Planner template you can use for free! Download and add it to your Recipes notebook.

Meal Planner

Save your recipes each week with this Evernote template.

You can change up the days of the week in the left column so they start on any day that works for you.

If you plan snacks or eat 4-6 small meals, add columns by clicking on the (+) icon between columns.

When you have the Meal Planner grid set up, save the note as a template so you can create it over and over each week.

Open the Meal Planner note in another tab within Evernote. Then you can switch between your meal plan and your recipes.

To open another tab, click right-click (Mac: 2-finger click) on the meal plan note and select ‘Open Note in New Tab’.

Start adding recipes to your meal planner. Search your Recipes notebook and find a recipe you want to add to the meal plan.

Right click on the recipe note in the note list and select “Copy Note Link” In the Meal Planner note, place your cursor in the cell you want to include the recipe. Right-click and select “Paste” or Ctrl+V (Mac: Command+V). This will paste both the link and the name of the note (recipe name).

In the end, your meal plan should look like this:

Grocery List

Once you have the week planned, add ingredients from each recipe to the Shopping List.

Combine any duplicate ingredients to get your grocery list for the week.

Cross-reference your grocery list with what you have on hand.

Evernote how to guide

And there you have it! An organized recipe book you can use over and over and an easy way to produce a meal plan for the week or month.

Leave a comment below and share how you like to organize recipes.

Link To Another Note In Evernote

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Prior to going paperless, I often found myself jotting notes down on various pieces of paper in order to keep track of things. If I paid a bill, I’d scribble the check number with which the bill was paid right on the statement so it was readily available if I needed it, for example.

These days, I still annotate my notes in various ways, but because I can use the richer set of features available in Evernote, these annotates are much more useful than they ever were in their paper form. Here are three examples of how I annotate my notes in Evernote to make life a little easier.

1. Add note links in context to quickly jump to related notes

On rare occasions, I’ll still receive a bill for something in paper. For instance, our city recently changed where it gets its water. When the change took place, I got a new “first” bill from Fairfax county. This was paper, of course, since I hadn’t yet set up auto-pay. I scanned the bill into Evernote, and then paid the bill online. After paying the bill, I clipped the receipt into Evernote using the web clipper.

What I did next was to annotate the original bill note to indicate when it was paid, and to provide a link back to the note containing the receipt.

Here is what the bill statement looks like:

You can see that just above the PDF file, I’ve made a note about when and how I paid the bill. The hyperlink is an Evernote “note link.” If I click on that link, it will take me directly to the note containing the receipt for my payment. For completeness, I also link the receipt to the note for which the payment was made. So the receipt note looks like this:

This makes it easy to find the receipt from the original bill, or vice versa, saving me some time if I need to look up this information.

If you’ve never used the Note Link feature in Evernote, it is very easy.

  1. Go to the note for which you want to create a link.
  2. From the Note menu select Copy Note Link.
  3. You can then paste that note link into another note. I generally highlight the text I want to make into a link and then paste the note link as the hyperlink so that it appears as it does in the two examples above.

To create a note link from an iOS device1 (iPhone or iPad), you can do the following:

  1. Go to the note for which you want to create a link.
  2. From the toolbar at the bottom of the note, touch the “…” button.
  3. From the popup menu, select “Share”
  4. From the Share screen, select the “Copy Link” option.

You can then paste the link into another note and it works just the same as the method for doing it from the thick client.

ETA: It looks like the above method on iOS creates a public shared link, so be warned. It doesn’t look like there is a way to create an internal note like from iOS at this point, the way you can from the Mac and Windows clients. Thanks to Amir for pointing this out.

2. Capturing notes from calls or conversations in context

I will use a similar method as described above when I need to make a call or have a conversation about something in the context of the note in Evernote. For example, on rare occasions when I need to contact customer support for something, I will typically do the following:

  1. Open up the note in Evernote containing the thing I’m calling about. Let’s say it’s a cable bill. I’ll have this open so that I can refer to it easily
  2. Create a new note in Evernote to document the conversation I have with customer support.
  3. Copy the note link from the new note into the note with the statement. Sometime, if I may more than one call, I’ll have a small bulleted list of 2 or 3 links to other notes.

Why keep separate notes as opposed to doing it all in the note to the statement? I prefer this method because each note has its own date/time stamp, which is different from the date/time of the statement note. This way, I capture the dates and times of the calls and can easily build a timeline of the events if I needed to.

3. Annotating instructions

You know how some sets of instructions have a blank page for jotting down your own notes? I will occasionally annotate notes containing instructions in order to put in reminders to myself (or my wife).

For example, I can never remember how to reprogramming the one-touch dial keys on my desk phone at the day job. So what I did was made a note in the instructions for the phone to remind me exactly where in that nearly 300 page instruction manual, I can find the instructions for updating the one-touch dial keys:

This makes it easy for me to find exactly what I am looking for because I now know where to look in that PDF file.

I find that annotating my notes, especially those with attachments like PDFs, images, or clippings, very useful for keeping the notes with the context of the thing in question. It is the same thing I used to do when I’d scribble my notes on the instructions themselves, but it is more powerful because it is searchable and shareable. These little annotations save me time each week, and that time adds up. They also help paint a complete picture, and by linking to other notes, the reduce any redundancy in what I have to capture.

Postscript: For those who might be interested in hearing my talk about Evernote (especially for writers) I was interviewed on the Adventures in Sci-Fi Publishing podcast and that interview is now online. In it I talk about writing, wearable technology (like FitBit) and, of course, Evernote. Have a listen if you are interested.

If you have a suggestion for a future Going Paperless post, let me know. Send it to me at feedback [at] As always, this post and all of my Going Paperless posts is also available on Pinterest.

Last week’s post: Quick Tip: Edit Scanned PDFs Directly in Evernote.

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What Is Evernote

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  1. I don’t have an Android device so I’m not sure how this works on that OS.